Prof Brig (R) Ch. Altaf Hussain, SI (M)
Principal CIMS Bahawalpur
It is my proud privilege and pleasure to lead prestigious institution. The essence of medical education is not mere acquisition of knowledge about human body, its normal functioning, the ailments it undergoes and their alleviation. It is actually much more than that. It engenders human values of morality and ethics which transform medical graduates into highly skilled professionals, honest and caring human beings.
CMH Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS) Bahawalpur has spacious college blocks, thus providing ample space to all the basic departments for lecture halls, tutorial rooms, laboratories, museums, learning resource center and offices. CIMS can boast of its highly qualified, trained and devoted faculty. Experience blended with innovative and motivated youth is an asset for this institution in contributing to professional development and skillful learning.

Our teaching hospital, Combined Military Hospital (CMH) Bahawalpur is a 500 bedded, fully-equipped tertiary healthcare facility. The hospital is adequately and efficiently fulfilling the training requirements of the medical students.
There is no doubt the medical students are the cream of the nation and you could have joined any field but you have chosen a hard path. Medical profession is different from other professions as it is missionary service and that too for ailing humanity but for this purpose you have to keep yourself abreast with new research, skills and technologies that too with your passion, empathy and cosmetics of your attitude. This is essential in delivering your services by treating the ailing humanity. I assure you in this regard myself and my faculty members will always be there to respond to your knowledge gaps.
Please remember that best students are never shy to ask questions and my faculty will leave no stone unturned in mentoring and nurturing you as a good medical professional. I have full trust in your abilities and therefore hopeful that our graduates shall shine as a brilliants stars in horizon of medical profession.
May Allah blessing be always with you!