Dr. Col ® Muhammad Saleem Malik

MBBS (QAU), MSc (Adv Med Adm), CMT (UHS) Tamgha-i-Imtiaz (Military)

Director Academics CIMS Bahawalpur

Within a short span of time since its inception in March 2017, CMH Institute of Medical Sciences (CIMS) Bahawalpur has gained recognition among the medical fraternity through its academic brilliance. Today we stand tall and comfortably placed at the pinnacle among all NUMS affiliated colleges due to the persistent efforts of my students and teaching faculty.

Our focus is on providing state of the art facilities in a reclusive environment for our students to pursue their academic path without any impediment. Our seasoned and dedicated faculty is always forthcoming to harness the potential of young budding minds and mold them into polished medical professionals.

In my humble capacity as Director Academics, I always urge my students to work hard with passion, dedication and unending quest to seek knowledge, to step into unchartered territories and conquer the new horizons. Coming from 4th generation of educationalists, I am proud to be associated with this brightest star of south Punjab.

Join us in our unwavering faith and visionary approach to reclaim the scholarly heritage of our forefathers like Abu Bakr Al Razi, Ibn Sina, Al Ghazali, Ibne Rushd and Al-Zahrawi. May Allah Almighty, the most gracious, the most benevolent guide us and bless us in all our endeavors.